We are here to treat your dental emergency

SoproCare Intra-Oral Camera

SoproCARE was developed to answer the needs of the dental professional during caries detection, prophylaxis and periodontal treatment in the clinical environment. Utilizing patented fluorescence technology, SoproCARE illuminates dental tissue to reveal occlusal caries, plaque, tartar and gingival inflammation. In addition, SoproCARE can be used as an intraoral camera, providing the dental professional with all of the necessary tools to perform a complete and time-efficient oral examination.

An electric toothbrush with a white head and blue accents.
The image shows a close-up view of a dental implant with a focus on the surrounding tissue and bone, displaying a pinkish-red inflammation area near the implant.
The image shows a close-up view of a person s mouth with a large cavity filled with yellowish substance, revealing damaged tooth enamel and possibly decaying teeth.